Other property violations not located on myPHX311
Holiday collection
Same-day service has simplified holiday trash and recycling collection. Residents only have to remember
changes on three holidays: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
View how collection is impacted during these three holidays.
If you have a question regarding holiday collection,
email us or contact
PHX Customer Services at 602-262-6251.
Solid Waste Fees and Billing
The fee for solid waste services is on your monthly city services bill. It includes trash collection and disposal, repair and replacement of containers, dead animal pickup,
enforcement, recycling and green organics collection. The fee also includes processing and other environmental programs.
The solid waste fee begins when your water service is started. It ends when water service is discontinued.
For more information on service and current rates,
email us or contact PHX Customer Services at 602-262-6251.
Proper Container Placement
- Containers must not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
- Bag and securely tie any trash that goes into the trash container.
For more information, call PHX Customer Services at (602) 262-6251 or email
at solid.waste@phoenix.gov.
Or visit the website at www.phoenix.gov/publicworks
Street Light Repair Request Form
The Phoenix Street Transportation Department oversees the installation and maintenance of street lights in the right-of-way that are owned by the City of Phoenix. They do not maintain private street lights, lights in alleys, or lights located within parks.
Pole numbers that begin with an A or an XX are owned and maintained by Salt River Project (SRP). Please contact them at https://www.srpnet.com/electric/streetlight-repair.aspx to request a repair.
Poles that begin with a D or L are owned and maintained by Arizona Public Service (APS). Please contact them at https://www.aps.com/en/Utility/Outage/Outage-Center/Report-Outage/Report-Streetlight-Outage to request a repair.
Street light outages in parks should be reported to the Parks Department at 602-262-6862.
If you see a City-owned light in need of repair, please fill out the form below to submit a request. Please fill in as much information as possible so that we can respond as quickly as possible. You may also contact the City of Phoenix street light outage phone line at 602-495-5125.
The following issues require immediate attention: leaning, bent or fallen poles, exposed electrical wires, hanging fixtures, open/damaged J-boxes, and missing hand hole covers. Please call us immediately at 602-495-5125.
Resident Enhancement Feedback
We appreciate your feedback on the look/feel of myPHX311!
For questions or issues with city services, please call the myPHX311 Contact Center at
Report City of Phoenix Employees or Contractors Suspected of Fraud
DO NOT USE this form to report identity theft, credit card, bank account or other emergency or non-emergency criminal activity. To report any of these issues, please file a non-emergency Phoenix Police Report.
USE THIS FORM to report City employee or City contractor suspected violations, such as: embezzlement; contract fraud; vendor kickbacks; removal, loss, unauthorized destruction,
or inappropriate use or waste of city money or property; falsified documents; specific danger to public health or non-emergency safety issues; or other violations of laws or regulations.
Read: Fraud Reporting Regulation (PDF).
City of Phoenix employees who use the Integrity Line to file false, misleading, or retaliatory information, may be subject to discipline.
Before submitting this form, please be aware of the City's policy on using its systems. The message you are sending is subject to public disclosure under the Public Records Law, is not private or confidential and is retained for 90 days.
Before submitting this form, please be aware of the City's policy on using its systems. The message you are sending is subject to public disclosure under the Public Records Law, is not private or confidential and is retained for 90 days.